Achieving Super Low Deep Sleep Current with Adafruit Feather ESP32-S3 with I2C Enabled

The Adafruit Feather ESP32-S3 is a little powerhouse of a module. It has a neopixel, LiPo charger and monitor, your ESP32 reset and boot buttons, and a nice little isolated I2C power line with a Stemma QT connector. I recently implemented a deep sleep program with the ULP co-processor (see also, Using the ESP32-S3 ULP […]

Micro-SD Card Low Power Showdown – Part II

In 2020, I worked with an intern to characterize SD power characteristics (view the archive). As my colleagues and I embark on a mass deployment of new devices in 2025, it is time to revisit the perennial question: what SD card is best? Specifically, what SD card has the lowest current draw in an Arduino-based, […]

How to Measure Electrode Impedance on the Bench

Impedance is the opposition to electrical current in a circuit, and in brain electrodes, it matters because high impedance can reduce signal quality, leading to poor detection of neural activity or inefficient stimulation delivery.

An Unofficial FED Cleaning Protocol

FED failures can be traced to IR sensor and circuit board issues, which can be remediated with an isopropyl wash.

GR/PR: An open-source grip strength meter

gr/pr prototype and ios app mock-up

In animal models of limb disuse, grip strength (or force) is a measure used to characterize the time course and severity of muscle atrophy.

Evaluating a 60GHz mmWave radar system

mmWave Sensor Housing

Accuracy and applicability of Seeed Studio 60GHz mmWave Sensor (Breathing and Heartbeat Module) based on the MR60BHA1 60GHz radar module

Helical electrodes for electrophysiology in wild animals

helical nichrome wound around music wire and sealed with glue and held with grips

In applications where electrodes are being routed or weaved—especially if the animal will undergo full recovery and resume normal behavior (like in a wild or free-ranging animal)—lead flexibility is going to be critical to the endurance and quality of the electrophysiological recordings.